Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)

What is EFT?

EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), also known as Tapping, is a powerful technique, that is based on the combined principles of ancient Chinese acupressure and modern psychology. This form of psychological acupressure uses a gentle tapping technique instead of needles to stimulate traditional acupuncture points. The EFT protocol balances the energy system and appears to aid psychological stress and physical pain relief. EFT is non-invasive and can be practised on your own or with a practitioner, once presenting issues have been cleared it allows the body and mind to resume their natural healing abilities.

What tapping on the end of meridian points around the body does with amazing efficiency is halt the fight or flight response and help to re-programme the brain and body to act – and react – differently. Whilst we are no longer chased by tigers, our stress response is internally generated and is often triggered by a negative memory or thought that has its roots in past trauma or conditioned learning from childhood. The stress response in the body takes the same form, whether the trigger is the tiger (external) or a negative memory (internal).

Tapping on the meridian endpoints on the head, body and hands, seems to turn off the amygdala’s alarm – deactivating the brain’s arousal pathways, sending a calming response to the body and allowing the amygdala to recognise that it’s safe.

This exciting new way of dealing with both psychological and physical issue is known as “Energy Psychology” and the research coming from more than a dozen countries suggests that energy psychology produces outcomes for a range of conditions that are unusually rapid, effective and long lasting. (See below for examples of this research.)

  • What can EFT help with?

    Stress & Anxiety

    Trauma & Pain

    Insecurity & self esteem

    Performance issues

    Self-limiting beliefs

    Disruptive behavioural patterns

    Fears & Phobias


  • What are the benefits of EFT?

    EFT often works when nothing else will

    It uses no drugs or equipment

    It’s safe and painless

    Is usually has rapid, long lasting and gentle

    Can be easily learned & applied by adults and children

    Can be used anywhere, anytime

    You don’t have to believe in it for it to work

    It doesn’t require being re-traumatised

What does tapping look like?

Check out this video to see what a tapping round actually looks like. Remember that we are looking to shift unwanted emotions within the body that can impact us, either mentally or physically. We shift these emotions by gently tapping on meridian points on the face, chest and hands, which send kinetic energy through the blocked channels clearing them and removing any unhelpful emotions.

In a session together we would be looking for any of the following that the client feels need addressing or that cause them upset or limitation:

  • Symptoms/side effects

  • Emotions

  • Events

  • Limiting Beliefs

  • Diagnosis impact

What a tapping round will look like.


  • EFT Tapping has a number of systematic reviews, meta-analyses and randomized controlled trials (RCTs), a significant number of which have been published in reputable, mainstream scientific journals. These studies support the efficacy of EFT Tapping for many forms of psychological distress, physical pain, and performance. The strongest evidence for EFT tapping's effectiveness is for PTSD, depression and anxiety.

    In a recent article looking at the science behind Energy Psychology, it was stated that “There are over 400 identified forms of psychotherapy, many of which have little or no research to validate them. Energy psychology, of which EFT is a part, is both evidence-based and in the top 10% in terms of published research for psychotherapy modalities”

    In a 2013 research paper looking at “Clinical EFT As An Evidence-Based Practice For The Treatment Of Psychological And Physiological Conditions” it states that “New evidence from emerging fields such as epigenetics, neural plasticity, psychoneuroimmunology, and evolutionary biology confirms the central link between emotion and physiology, and points to somatic stimulation as the element common to emerging psychotherapeutic methods”

    In one paper exploring EFT & Anxiety it’s shown that “Emotional freedom technique treatment demonstrated a significant decrease in anxiety scores”, whilst another paper suggests that “adding acupoint stimulation to brief psychological exposure is unusually effective in its speed and power because deactivating signals are sent directly to the amygdala, resulting in the rapid attenuation of threat responses to innocuous stimuli.” highlighting it’s efficacy for PTSD symptoms.

    Another study of 5000 patients found that 90 percent of patients who did tapping therapy saw improved anxiety, compared to 63 percent of patients who practiced Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (with or without medication) instead. What’s more, the study found that it only took three tapping sessions to reduce a participant’s anxiety, while it took an average of 15 CBT sessions.

    So whilst research is still ongoing Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) has moved in the past two decades from a fringe therapy to widespread professional acceptance and as this paper concludes “EFT is a stable and mature method with an extensive evidence base. These characteristics have led to growing acceptance in primary care settings as a safe, rapid, reliable, and effective treatment for both psychological and medical diagnoses.”

  • During a tapping session, we focus on the negative aspects of our stress which are generally unprocessed emotions, beliefs and traumas which are still operating and controlling our lives. We need to address them, look at them and admit they are there in order to clear them. Some people may worry that this can be triggering, but we endeavour to ensure that you are observing the emotional impact rather than sitting in the emotion itself, giving you a little distance to process.

    You may ask why are we just looking at the negative side of thoughts, emotions and beliefs, sure it’s only human to experience all of these at various times? We agree and whilst there’s nothing wrong with it, it’s when these negative emotions get stuck, when they have no outlet, that your body can enter a state of imbalance that my contribute to dis-ease and prevent healing.

    All our emotions are healthy and normal; anger, sadness, rage, fear and more, as long as we let ourselves feel them and then let them go. That we let the “wave” of emotion pass through us and not allow it to engulf us. So the only emotions that the body sees as threatening are the ones we don’t fully express.

    Over the course of a lifetime, we build our beliefs from experiences and messages, seeking to constantly support them as “true” over time. When we explore what can be detrimental beliefs, the ones that are holding us back from living our full potential, we are able to remove the “legs” that support that “table” of limiting beliefs; generating the opportunity to create new uplifting beliefs that nourish and heal our bodies.

  • • Before we “meet” you will be asked to fill an Intake Form, this gives me a clear idea of what your current presenting issue is, alongside your goals and desired outcomes.

    • Please find a quiet, safe environment during each call, where you will not be interrupted.

    • Have tissues and a glass of water to hand.

    • I will help bring your energy back into the room with a short grounding meditation.

    • Whilst you will have already be sent a “How to Tap” video, I will ensure before we begin that you are happy with how to proceed.

    • You will be mirroring me at all times and so there is no need to remember anything or worry about getting it wrong.

    • Once we have identified what is highlighting for you that day we will then start work on identifying the emotion and somatic sensation that are linked to it.

    • We start tapping on the meridian end points around the body (see here for chart) and begin the journey of releasing the negative energies that are blocking your energetic pathways.

    • You may feel physical “shifts” during a session, such as yawning, burping, body temperature fluctuation, tiredness or tingling in the body.

    • Clients often feel a sense of relief and much “lighter” after a session and the “charge” around a presenting issue will have dropped significantly.

    • Whilst sometimes one session is enough in helping to reduce the exhibiting stress, limiting belief or pain, I find that a series of sessions works best in really getting to the core of the issue and creating long term change and relief.